Thaposthal is not a destination. It is a magical land of Bharatkand which possess ancient history with past glory, the turbulence, trimphs, the achievements of each age and the legacy of the regime. Bharthkand the Indian subcontinent is land where saptharushis lived several thousand years ago, these great sages were truly enlightened, attained profound knowledge, having understand the meaning of divine consciousness with their deep meditation and thaposhakthi they energised the bharatkand as thaposthal. The profound intellect these sages transmitted to their disciples to hand over to the generations next for the benefit of the mankind.

The ancient Rushis believed that the whole universe is made of five elements that is Agni ( Fire), Vayu ( Air), Jala (Water),Aakash (Space), Prutvi ( Earth) in different proportions and these sages cleansed these PanchaMahabuthas with their Yagnas and Thaposhakti energized this Thaposthal. Through the fundamental practice of yoga they demonstrated balance in life and these knowledge is still intact even today.

The Geography of Bharatkand is extremely diverse with landscapes varying from Great Himalayas in the north and north easteren region. The peninsular tapers southwards with two vast costlines. The fertile Indo Gangatic plains occupy most of the northern, central and easteren India. The great Indian desert, on the other hand pleatu of certral highlands and Deccan. Besides Astounding topographical variations, Thaposthal possess rich diversity in cultures, traditions and religion. This diversity has been instrumental in preserving thaposthal’sonw intrinsic spirit.

Welcome to Thaposthal. The land of diversity, spiritually enlightened, rich culture and traditions, ancient mystic energy of yoga and Ayurveda for wellness and wellbeing. Every element which we offer are sourced from this this land of thaposthal which are vibrant and energetic close to the nature and to our heart.